感觉五美从第一季到第四季摄政王的小宠妃除了Noora一直这么美其他人都变美了虽然感觉洗白muslim有点勉强但有深度的青春剧还是很用心Yousef和Sana真是最纯情最像好朋友的一对了一切都很好生活中的美好盖过了那些小小的阴暗完美的友情令屏幕前的我妒忌苦难的生活需要这样理想的虚构情节come to rescue once in a while
When I was young, my father told that you should be a journalist someday. I don't think he would know what free speech mean , he might just think it's a honor to write and print in newspaper. In fact, the free speech should be honored, everywhere.